Sunday, November 20, 2011

Desert Kingsnake

Desert Kings can grow up to 6.5 feet but are more commonly found to be 3-4feet. They can be found throughout west and central Texas, they can be interbred with the Speckled Kingsnake. They have a black and yellow or greenish-yellow patern. Their patern consists of 23-25 stripes in their patern. They eat mainly mice and should be kept at a temperature around 85degrees. Most do not like to be handled but if they are handled frequently they get used to it and appear to like it.

Mabled Sea Snake

The Marbled or Spiny-tailed Sea Snake are fully adapted to a marine environment and never go on land, though they are sometimes stranded in the inter-tidal zone by receding tides. Their young are born alive at sea. The Marbled Sea Snake is an used to shallow waters and coral reefs, where it feeds pretty much only on fish eggs. Sea snakes are identified by the short, laterally flattened tail which is like a paddle. The eyes are small, and the nostrils are towards the top of the snout which lets the snake to breathe air easily while floating on the sea surface. Some are also able to absorb some of the oxygen through their skin, in the same way as amphibians, and remains submerged for a few hours. Sea snakes are found mainly in the warm tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean. The Marbled Sea Snake occurs throughout Southeast Asia and parts of Australia.

Red-tailed Pipe Snake

 These Red-tailed Pipe Snakes are located all over Thailand on flat ground and some at elevations up to 1700 meters. This snake lives on the ground, in rat holes and termite mounds, under stumps or rocks and in other cool, damp places. They prefer wide open areas. They have been found as high as 5,000 feet in Malaysia and about 2,300 meters in Thailand.The snake is mostly nocturnal and is active at night. These snakes eat Brahminy blind snakes, insect larvae, small frogs and worms. A Red-tailed snake lays 5-10 babies, born live, about 20 cm long. This pipe snake hides the head under loops of it’s body and flips it’s red tail end up in the air flattening it as if like a cobra. In an hour of handling this snake, it makes no move to bite at all. That doesn’t mean it won’t, but they are not all that inclined to bite. Their mouth is VERY small and they’d have to catch you just right to bite you.

White-bellied Blind Snake

The White-bellied Blind snakes can grow to be 48cm long. This snake appears to be a thick worm at first, but can be recognised by its scales, dry skin, eyes, and flicking tongue. This is the largest blind snake in Thailand. Scales are small and shiny. On the snakes back it is black, purple, or olive-brown coloration on top is clearly separated from a creamy-white belly. Normally found in thick secondary forests, but sometimes turns up in gardens in rural areas. They can be found in waterlogged soil, including muddy land. These snakes spends most of the time underground, under leaf litter, or in rotting logs, but is sometimes active on the surface on rainy or humid nights. This snake helps control termite and ant populations by feeding on their larvae, and also eats other soft-bodied insects, worms, and mollusks. It provides food for larger fossorial snakes and other animals.Blind snakes are harmless they have no venom and their mouths are too small to bite a human. When uncovered or picked up they tend to respond by wiggling, they put off a small amount of a smelly musk, and attempting to stab the disturber with their sharp tip tail.

Pimk-headed Reed Snake

This is a small, attractive, non-venomous snake with a bright pink-red head, and no colouration on the tail. The dark dorsal colour exhibits a blue-green iridescence under strong light. The ventral surface is grey-white. As with other Reed Snakes this species is a burrowing forest dweller. It ranges from southern Thailand, West Malaysia and Singapore to the islands of Borneo, Sumatra, Bangkga and Belitung. Reed snakes are so called because of their cylindrical bodies and short tails. They are burrowing snakes. This snake is very easily recognised by its bright pink head. However, it does looked similar when compared with the venomous Blue Malayan Coral Snake because of its bright head. The Pink-headed Reed Snake is relatively smaller. It is also non-venomous. They grow up to about 40cm. The Reed snake eats small animals like slugs and frogs and small invertebrates such as worms. This snake is mostly nocturnal, but it can come out during the day.

Green Cat Snake

The Green Cat Snake lives primarily in secondary forests, including montane zones, and can also be found at sea level in coastal forests. It is active during the day and it lies coiled up in tree branches. It hunts at night actively for prey such as geckos. The head is large, the eyes very large with vertical pupils. Dorsal scale colour is green with bluish hints, and ventral colour yellow. The species ranges from India, Southern China and Indochina to Burma, Thailand and northern Peninsular Malaysia. The tongue and inner linings of the jaw are bluish white. Neonates when born are red with a green head, then later fading to brown before getting their adult colours. This species lays between 5-12 eggs, which takes about three months to hatch on average. The green cat snake preys on lizards, snakes, frogs, birds and rodents in the wild. They are an aggressive species, it has a foul but distinct musk when handled.

Pit Viper

Pit Viper is the most well known of the green aboreal pit vipers that are found in the region. These snakes are mainly found in forests and mangroves. They are active at night, during the day it generally is laying flat high in trees. The term 'Pit Viper' means heat-sensing "pits" you can find these "pits" on each cheek of the snake, they are used to find and hunt down prey. This type of snake has haemotoxic venom which means the venom is poisonous to the blood system which equals  death. This type of species can be idnetified by its triangular head. Juveniles are light green with narrow pale bands adults are dark green with thicker yellowish bands.


 This species grows up to be 1.5 meters it is located in a variety of habitats including closed forests, open secondary growth and scrubland. It romes during the day. They are found along low trees and shrubs, sometimes alonge the ground. It has been seen near grassy and wooded areas and bodies of water to find and eat frogs. Including the frogs this snake preys on lizards and sometimes young birds in their nests. These Bronzbacks range from Southern Thailand, Through Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore to Sumatra. The eyes of this Bronzback are large, and the head is somewhat wider than their body as are other snakes. These Bronzbacks scales do not get bigger with its sleder shape, its lower cheeks and lips are a pale yellow. These types of snakes are best known from the thick black stripes from head to tail and the white background.The head of this snake has a bronz tint to its head and thats where it gets its name.

Golden Tree Snake: Flying Snakes

The Golden Tree Snake can be found in a variety of habitats such as secondary forests, plantations, agricultural areas and rural gardens. People say "Snakes can't fly. Why would you call it that?!"  Well people this snake does. It glides from tree to tree.When these snakes 'fly' they flaten their body so the wind will make them sore. These snakes are not actually brown. They have a striking patern that is green or greenish-yellow and black. It preys on mice, lizards, and other snakes. It ranges from Burma, Thailand, Indochina, and Southern China to Northern Peninsula Malaysia. This sn ake is common in the phang-nga, Krabi area of Southern Thailand. These snakes are active durning the day. Flying snakes are good climbers and hunts coconut palms.

Whip Snakes

These Tropical lime green snakes knows as the Whip Snake. They are mildly venomous, willing to be taught, and easily handled or managed which is kind of interesting. These snakes can also be called the Malayan. They are found mainly in mature secondary forest, near vegetation and forest streams. Sometimes but rarely can these Whip Snakes be found in parks or gardens. Whip Snakes are distinguished from Oriental Whip Snakes by the bigger eyes and skinnier body. Whip Snakes have the bright vivid green and sometimes brown stripes. Like many other snakes when the Whip feels threatened it will expand it's body and pale banding will apear on it's body. The Whip grows up to about one meter in length. These snakes are found in Southern Thailand through Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore to Sumatra and Java.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Frill-Necked Lizard

The Frill-Neck lizard loves the sun, it is also Autsralia's emblem. These creatures are actice during the day and they run on their hind legs very fast. Over all they grow to be 70cm but tops 95cm. The colors of this lizard varys depending on the land of which it lives on. The male lizards are more colorful then the female, they  are not harmful to man or poisonous at all. When this lizard is in it's natraul stage it's frills fold along his shoulder and head. The frills only spread out when it is scared or feels threatended. It's mouth opens wide to lift the cartilage rods up to spread the frills. The frills also keep the temperature regulated. The Frill-Necked lizard's habitat is tropical to warm temperature dry forests, woodland with open shrubby area. They are found in Australia, Northern Queensland and the Northern Territory. This little creature eats with it's frill down and hunts in trees for insects. They also hunt on the ground eating ants, spiders, and even small lizards. These lizards mate around September, they lay from 8-23 eggs in November. Some females can lay up to two clutches(batches) in one season. The eggs hatch in early Febuary weighing around 3-5 pounds.

Thorny Devil

Thorny Devils are also known as Moloch. These amazing little creatures are found in Australia. These lizards are harmless and extreamly slow. when they walk its more so a waddle and its tail flips back and forth in a jerky motion. These reptiles have the spineage things all over them. There colors vary from yellow brown reddish-brown and camoflage depending on the soil. The Thorny Devil can grow up to 20cm or so, the larger femals wiegh about 90gms. It's diet is strictly ants. Mostly black ants, they eat them one by one and the strnge part is that they eat each 600-3000 ants a day. Their toung has some sort of sticky substance on it and it grabs it's food at a striking 45mph. The Thorny Devil lives in the desertus areas. If it gets to hot durninf the day they burrow them selfs under a little pile of sand, or they find a nearby bush. They also burry themself under the sand at night to keep warm. They get there water from condensation rain or some sort of running water. The water on their body sits on the grooves of the spines and runs to the corner of the mouth. They mate between the months September and January they lay 3-10 eggs and it takes three months to hatch. they are sexually mature by three years of age.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Asia Rat Snakes

The Asia Ratsnake originate from Asia and Eurpoe these species range from the Green Bush Ratsnake which is a small arboreal species from Southeast Asia to the varioty of species found on the islands near Japan. The Asia Ratsnake eat mailny rodents birds other snakes and amphibians. These snakes grow to be 6 feet sometimes they can get up to 8 1/2 feet. Asian Rat's mostly live in wooded areas. It takes shelter in piles of debrees and vagitational areas.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Boelens Python

Boelens Pythons are extreamly unique snakes. Boelens Pythons have a rainbow irredecent look to them when rays of sun reflect on their scales. These snakes are also commonly known as Blu Moran speciese Papua New Guinea's. Boelens live in a high elevation in forest, so they slither high in trees about 1000meters. they have a dark bluish-black or purple-black up side and the down side is a pale yellow-ish color. they can get up to 3 meters in length. possibly one of the longest recorded snake, for it's species. They are found on the main island New Guinea.
how many types of boelen pythons are there.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons can get from 15-24 inches, the are 3-4 inches at birth. dragons grow extreamly fast and are sexually mature by 1 year of age or earlier. there cages should be kept at a temperature of 90-105 degrees. they are omnivores they eat meal worms, crickes, and any other small-ish type insects/mice they also eat greens and other vegitables, squash, carrots, and zucchini. you can tell the sex of a bearded dragon by flipping them over on there backs, and locating the bumps near there tail. if it is a male it will have two bumps. if it is a female it will have one bump in the middle. bearded dragons lay eggs every 4-6 weeks and they lay around 12-16 eggs. the eggs should be heated to 82-86 degrees for about 65-75 days.

Hognose Snakes

There are many breeds of Hognose Snakes Western, Easten and Southern Hognose are some of the main types of Hognose. there are also Albino plain Hognoses.Hognoses are very unique snakes.They are generally pretty docile snakes as long as they are handled often.Since they aren't really that big,and they can't defend themselves well they do other things.they will often pretend to be something they're not.They will flare out their necks and hiss and shake their tails as if they are something more dangerous.Also they will play dead sometimes. To maintain the Hognose comfortably it should be house in a 20 gallon cage. the cage should be heated to 75-85 degrees, and be heated underneath the tank. Hognose snakes are very much carnivores they eat things such as, samll mice. they should be fed every week or ever other week, it should not be handled until 24 hours after fed. when feeding they should be put in a seperate cage. you can find hognose snakes pretty much anywhere with warm temperatures as in down south mostly. there is also a hognose snake in michigan but it is very rare because it gets so cold.