Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pimk-headed Reed Snake

This is a small, attractive, non-venomous snake with a bright pink-red head, and no colouration on the tail. The dark dorsal colour exhibits a blue-green iridescence under strong light. The ventral surface is grey-white. As with other Reed Snakes this species is a burrowing forest dweller. It ranges from southern Thailand, West Malaysia and Singapore to the islands of Borneo, Sumatra, Bangkga and Belitung. Reed snakes are so called because of their cylindrical bodies and short tails. They are burrowing snakes. This snake is very easily recognised by its bright pink head. However, it does looked similar when compared with the venomous Blue Malayan Coral Snake because of its bright head. The Pink-headed Reed Snake is relatively smaller. It is also non-venomous. They grow up to about 40cm. The Reed snake eats small animals like slugs and frogs and small invertebrates such as worms. This snake is mostly nocturnal, but it can come out during the day.


  1. Pretty certain I saw one of these out near Winton, Australia which is out of its territory. It was only 40-50cm long, greenish brown in colour, slightly built but had a distinct red head. Also it went behind a rock and just disappeared like it had burrowed into the leaf litter.
