Sunday, November 20, 2011

Whip Snakes

These Tropical lime green snakes knows as the Whip Snake. They are mildly venomous, willing to be taught, and easily handled or managed which is kind of interesting. These snakes can also be called the Malayan. They are found mainly in mature secondary forest, near vegetation and forest streams. Sometimes but rarely can these Whip Snakes be found in parks or gardens. Whip Snakes are distinguished from Oriental Whip Snakes by the bigger eyes and skinnier body. Whip Snakes have the bright vivid green and sometimes brown stripes. Like many other snakes when the Whip feels threatened it will expand it's body and pale banding will apear on it's body. The Whip grows up to about one meter in length. These snakes are found in Southern Thailand through Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore to Sumatra and Java.

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