Sunday, November 20, 2011

Red-tailed Pipe Snake

 These Red-tailed Pipe Snakes are located all over Thailand on flat ground and some at elevations up to 1700 meters. This snake lives on the ground, in rat holes and termite mounds, under stumps or rocks and in other cool, damp places. They prefer wide open areas. They have been found as high as 5,000 feet in Malaysia and about 2,300 meters in Thailand.The snake is mostly nocturnal and is active at night. These snakes eat Brahminy blind snakes, insect larvae, small frogs and worms. A Red-tailed snake lays 5-10 babies, born live, about 20 cm long. This pipe snake hides the head under loops of it’s body and flips it’s red tail end up in the air flattening it as if like a cobra. In an hour of handling this snake, it makes no move to bite at all. That doesn’t mean it won’t, but they are not all that inclined to bite. Their mouth is VERY small and they’d have to catch you just right to bite you.

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