The Frill-Neck lizard loves the sun, it is also Autsralia's emblem. These creatures are actice during the day and they run on their hind legs very fast. Over all they grow to be 70cm but tops 95cm. The colors of this lizard varys depending on the land of which it lives on. The male lizards are more colorful then the female, they are not harmful to man or poisonous at all. When this lizard is in it's natraul stage it's frills fold along his shoulder and head. The frills only spread out when it is scared or feels threatended. It's mouth opens wide to lift the cartilage rods up to spread the frills. The frills also keep the temperature regulated. The Frill-Necked lizard's habitat is tropical to warm temperature dry forests, woodland with open shrubby area. They are found in Australia, Northern Queensland and the Northern Territory. This little creature eats with it's frill down and hunts in trees for insects. They also hunt on the ground eating ants, spiders, and even small lizards. These lizards mate around September, they lay from 8-23 eggs in November. Some females can lay up to two clutches(batches) in one season. The eggs hatch in early Febuary weighing around 3-5 pounds.
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