Sunday, November 20, 2011


 This species grows up to be 1.5 meters it is located in a variety of habitats including closed forests, open secondary growth and scrubland. It romes during the day. They are found along low trees and shrubs, sometimes alonge the ground. It has been seen near grassy and wooded areas and bodies of water to find and eat frogs. Including the frogs this snake preys on lizards and sometimes young birds in their nests. These Bronzbacks range from Southern Thailand, Through Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore to Sumatra. The eyes of this Bronzback are large, and the head is somewhat wider than their body as are other snakes. These Bronzbacks scales do not get bigger with its sleder shape, its lower cheeks and lips are a pale yellow. These types of snakes are best known from the thick black stripes from head to tail and the white background.The head of this snake has a bronz tint to its head and thats where it gets its name.

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