Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thorny Devil

Thorny Devils are also known as Moloch. These amazing little creatures are found in Australia. These lizards are harmless and extreamly slow. when they walk its more so a waddle and its tail flips back and forth in a jerky motion. These reptiles have the spineage things all over them. There colors vary from yellow brown reddish-brown and camoflage depending on the soil. The Thorny Devil can grow up to 20cm or so, the larger femals wiegh about 90gms. It's diet is strictly ants. Mostly black ants, they eat them one by one and the strnge part is that they eat each 600-3000 ants a day. Their toung has some sort of sticky substance on it and it grabs it's food at a striking 45mph. The Thorny Devil lives in the desertus areas. If it gets to hot durninf the day they burrow them selfs under a little pile of sand, or they find a nearby bush. They also burry themself under the sand at night to keep warm. They get there water from condensation rain or some sort of running water. The water on their body sits on the grooves of the spines and runs to the corner of the mouth. They mate between the months September and January they lay 3-10 eggs and it takes three months to hatch. they are sexually mature by three years of age.

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