Sunday, November 20, 2011

White-bellied Blind Snake

The White-bellied Blind snakes can grow to be 48cm long. This snake appears to be a thick worm at first, but can be recognised by its scales, dry skin, eyes, and flicking tongue. This is the largest blind snake in Thailand. Scales are small and shiny. On the snakes back it is black, purple, or olive-brown coloration on top is clearly separated from a creamy-white belly. Normally found in thick secondary forests, but sometimes turns up in gardens in rural areas. They can be found in waterlogged soil, including muddy land. These snakes spends most of the time underground, under leaf litter, or in rotting logs, but is sometimes active on the surface on rainy or humid nights. This snake helps control termite and ant populations by feeding on their larvae, and also eats other soft-bodied insects, worms, and mollusks. It provides food for larger fossorial snakes and other animals.Blind snakes are harmless they have no venom and their mouths are too small to bite a human. When uncovered or picked up they tend to respond by wiggling, they put off a small amount of a smelly musk, and attempting to stab the disturber with their sharp tip tail.

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